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Children's Leadership Team

The Children’s Leadership Team (CLT) play an important role at St Anthony’s Primary School. It is made up from two class representatives from years 1-6. The CLT support the Head Teacher, Teachers, and all other members of staff to find ways of improving the school experience of pupils. Their role is to represent all pupils to enable them to have a say in their own education and developing new ideas for the future.

Our CLT are expected to exemplify excellent behaviour, manners, and a positive attitude to learning. The most important role of a CLT member is to lead by example, coming to school on time, participating in school events and always keeping in mind that other children will look up to them as an example.

The CLT meet up on a regular basis to discuss the school and wider community. They liaise with members of staff and children in their class. The two representatives from each class take on a role which is then discussed at meetings to decide how they can best support the school.

To become a member of the CLT. Children need to complete an application form to put their name forward. Then classes vote for who they would like to represent them by placing names into a Ballot Box. The application form includes the responsibilities and qualities set out below.


Your main responsibilities

· To attend all CLT meetings

· You must take an active role in meetings and ensure your voice is heard fairly.

· You may be asked to support running school events such as fund raising and sports days.

· You may be asked to read in assembly or lead an assembly

· You will be responsible in promoting your school at every opportunity.

Essential Qualities

· Excellent Listening skills

· Willing to respect the views of others

· Approachable

· Represent their peers confidently

· Good at explaining things

· Able to work co-operatively

· Make informed decisions

. Reliable & Willing to give up some of your own time

. Enthusiastic & Energetic