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School Mission Statement

Our Mission, Values and Ethos

Our Mission Statement says: “Loved by God, in our faith community, we live and learn together. We serve others as Jesus served”

It is summarised in three simple words: Live, Learn, Serve.

Core Principles Our mission is rooted in a belief that we:


  • All children have a divine origin and an eternal destiny
  • Each child is unique and is made in the image of God, their Creator


  • As co-creators, the education and formation of the whole person is at the centre of what we do
  • Parents are the primary educators of their children and our role is to support them wherever possible


  • When we welcome the child, we welcome the whole family, whatever form it takes
  • Jesus Christ is our role model for service and the summons to love everyone.
  • Our school is based on the Gospel values of faithfulness and integrity, dignity and compassion, humility and gentleness, forgiveness and mercy, tolerance and peace, service and sacrifice

We strive to make St Anthony’s a place where children and adults – staff, parents and visitors alike have an opportunity to experience the Kingdom – a community of love, rooted in faith and presenting a picture of Christ to catch the imagination.